
Come behold the wondrous mystery Matt Boswell; Michael Bleecker; Matt Papa

“This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.” - Ephesians 3:6

In Paul’s writings, he regularly makes reference to the mystery of the gospel, which he was preaching to the gentiles. The mystery of how God would rescue a people for himself, from every tribe and nation. The mystery, fulfilled in Christ.

Drawing on this language, Matt Papa, Michael Bleecker, and Matt Boswell have penned ‘Come behold the wondrous mystery’. This song has become a new favourite amongst our church members. It is deeply saturated with the gospel message, with each of it’s verses tracing a different aspect to the ‘wondrous mystery’ of the gospel.

The first verse speaks of Christ’s incarnation; when the ‘theme of heaven’s praises’ came to earth ‘robed in frail humanity'. From there we progress to Christ’s perfect life in verse two, leading into his death in verse three. It is at this point that the song really shines, as the melody soars to emphasise the righteous lamb of God, hanging on the cross in victory. From the heights of victory, the song flows through to it’s end with verse 4, looking to Christ’s resurrection, and his return.

The song itself is extremely simple, with a tune that is very easy to pick up and sing.

When playing this song, I find paying attention to the lyrics is key. Particuarly in verse 3, dropping down to relative minor chords really emphasise the contrast between the seemingly failure at the cross, to the victory that is accomplished.
As a church we like to sing the second half of the final verse twice, underscoring and encouraging each other with the unwavering hope the gospel holds out to us, because of Christ’s resurrection.

This song is a great one to sing all year round, especially if you are working through Paul's epistles. It would also be a great song to sing at Christmas time, reminding us that the babe in the manger is the same King who redeemed his people.


Come behold the wondrous mystery
in the dawning of the King,
He, the theme of heaven’s praises,
robed in frail humanity.
In our longing, in our darkness,
now the light of life has come;
look to Christ, who condescended,
took on flesh to ransom us.

Come behold the wondrous mystery:
He the perfect Son of Man,
in His living, in His suffering,
never trace nor stain of sin.
See the true and better Adam
come to save the hell-bound man,
Christ, the great and sure fulfilment
of the law, in Him we stand.

Come behold the wondrous mystery:
Christ the Lord upon the tree;
in the stead of ruined sinners
hangs the Lamb in victory.
See the price of our redemption;
see the Father’s plan unfold,
bringing many sons to glory,
grace unmeasured, love untold!

Come behold the wondrous mystery:
slain by death, the God of life;
but no grave could e’er restrain Him,
praise the Lord, He is alive!
What a foretaste of deliverance;
how unwavering our hope:
Christ in power resurrected,
as we will be when He comes!

© 2013 Love Your Enemies Publishing

Written by David Couch Christ Church, Hemel